Pro Backing Tracks has been updated and moved… Our new home is…


This notice is to notify customers of the transition procedure to log in to the new site.   

For our current Customers:

If you had a Subscriber account on our site, and have purchased tracks there, the new site will have a record of your purchases. To access your account on the new site, you will need to setup a new password using the “Lost Password?” link on the new sign-in page.  Please use the email address you originally signed up with, then follow the steps to setup your new password. After that you will be able to log in.

If you never verified your email address, the new system will have you verify your email before you can log in.

If you were simply a Subscriber to the old site (people who established an account but did not make a purchase) you may be required to create a new account on the new site. Try the above procedure first, if it doesn’t work, create a new account.

If you had a Wishlist at the old site we are sorry to say that we were not able to transfer those over to the new site. However, the old site will eventually be archived and you will still be able access your old account.  Which will allow you to access your wishlist, to have as reference to manually make a new wishlist on your new account on the new site.

If you made a purchase, but were not a subscriber: 

Your orders were moved over to the new site’s database, but they are not linked to an account, since you did not have one.  If you sign up as a subscriber, will see if we can link them to your account.

We hope you enjoy our new and updated website. If you have any issues with the new site please let us know by messaging us on our Contact page or by directly emailing or

We appreciate your patience while we work through any bugs and wrinkles on the new site.

Thank you very much for your support through the years, and for your understanding while we make this transition. We think you’ll love the new Pro Backing Tracks!